An “Alleluia” Reminder
This year, in preparation for Holy Week, I found myself deeply moved by the true story of God saving His people. As you read through the Holy Bible, you realize again that our Lord had always kept His covenant promises, even when we failed. He had always been a stronghold for us, even when we were faithless with our thoughts, words, and deeds. Though we commonly make this confession, we slide towards our failures too often, needing salvation more than we ever realize. Yet, at just the right time, Jesus dies for us, His beloved. He goes to the cross, faces down death, and then rises from death to offer forgiveness, life, and salvation for us. The message is simple and the story is true, yet the complexities of God’s love are so great that we are left in awe when we try to contemplate them. In His salvation – his death and resurrection – is found a beautiful gift that we cannot fully grasp, yet is fully given to us. Though the busyness of life can often stand in the way of the simply complex love of God for us, the saving story once again stands as a beautiful reminder, especially as we enter the Easter season. With this in mind, it is a treasured gift to say to all – both our sisters & brothers in the faith and our neighbors who do not yet know our Lord (though they are known and loved by Him): “Alleluia! Christ is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed! Alleuia!”
Peace & love in Jesus, our Risen Savior,
Pastor Gonzalez